dimarts, 29 de novembre del 2011

Exam tips _ 1st Batxillerat students

Hi darlings, here you are the document I promised. Hope iot is helpful and you don't get too stressed. Surely you'll do very well tomorrow. Remember to sleep well tonight!

Exam tips!! _ 2nbat

Hi darlings, this is the practice I promised... you need to revise unit 1 power point(student life), relationships pp , the reading we did in class 'why do we risk it?'(photocopy), word formation exercises and finally linking words and modals. Have a lovely English evening!

Phrasal Verbs , False friends, Vocab... _ 2n Bat

Hey, boys here you are the vocab of the 1st unit. Hope it is helpful

diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2011


Hi there people, here I've uploaded a helpful presentation. I'll try to upload some more exercises to revise.

Modal Perfect Infinitives 1st_2nBat Students

I' ve found this presentation which may be helpful for you. Hope you are making the most of the weekend!!!See you tomorrow.

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011

dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2011

divendres, 4 de novembre del 2011

Exercises corrected _3eso students

Here you are the exercises we have done in class. Hope it helps. I've also added a few website that might be helpful. Nois, entrarà també un exercici de Present Simple and Present continuous, ok? així que estudieu-lo també! See you on Monday. The survivor's story la recolliré el dilluns !!! ;)


Hi people! I've uploaded the ppt presentation so that you can revise. Remember to study vocabulary, past simple ( aff / neg/ questions), past simple and past continuous (simultaneous actions)and their HELPFUL KEYWORDS. Revise the irregular verbs list I gave you. Have a lovely rainy weekend. ;)

dijous, 3 de novembre del 2011

Description of a place_ 1st Bat

Hi people, here you are the ppt about description of a place. It might help you when writing yours. Take your time to think and brainstorm all your ideas. It must be handed in by Monday the 7th Nov. Have a lovely weekend! ;)

dimarts, 1 de novembre del 2011

dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2011

Word Formation_2BAT STUDENTS

Hi people, here you are the word formation presentation. At the end of the presentation you'll see an exercise similar to the ones we did in class.

diumenge, 30 d’octubre del 2011

Relationships_ 2Bat

Hi people! How is the bank holiday going? I' ve uploaded the ppt so you have the vocabulary we did in class. I'm also preparing the word formation presentation as I promised some time ago. For the exam you should revise defining and non-defining relative clauses as well as modals and modal perfect infinitives. If I were you I would also have a look at the phrasal list I gave you especially those having to do with relationships. Extreme adjectives are also important!!! Sorry to spoil you super bank holiday...;) Sure you all will do very good in the little, tiny, tiny exam....Any doubts, I'll be around!!!

divendres, 21 de gener del 2011


  1. Does Lord Henry know Basil at the beginning of the story?

  2. Who is Basil? Is he a good-hearted person?

  3. Was Dorian a beautiful person before getting the portrait?

  4. What is Basil's secret?

  5. How did Lord Henry meet Dorian?

  6. Who is Sybil Vane? Explain in 3- 4 lines

  7. What is Dorian's secret?

  8. Who is the sailor? Did he recognise Dorian?

  9. Did he show the picture to anybody?

  10. What happened to Basil in the end?

  11. Why did Campbell comit suicide?

  12. Is Dorian happy with his soul?

  13. Does Dorian want to change his life? Why?

  14. What happened to the portrait?

  15. Give your personal opinion (Explain 5-10 lines)

dilluns, 17 de gener del 2011